Thursday, January 28, 2016

The impossible can happen

Many people have an idea that the impossible can't happen. We can become very depressed in life. This is a half-truth. The impossible can't happen when we are not align with God, and we do everything in our strength.
There are always situations when there is no hope. So people will kill themselves or let themselves go.
We must not look towards our wisdom but depend on the Lord.
When a person looks for a job, it can seem that there are no jobs. When a person looks for a mate, then it seems that there are no match. When a person have bad health, then it seems that that person will always be sick.
But we must go to God in prayer. Prayer is not magic words that makes God move. Prayer is might to connect our wills towards his will.
If we pray and God wants us to move; therefore, we must go in faith. I need to say this because many Christians don't understand this view point.
Moses was leading Israel down in Egypt. God wanted Moses to leave that country. The only problem is that the Jews had millions of people and the Red Sea was in the way.
So God would part the Red Sea. This is impossible for man but not for God. Moses believed the Lord and the Lord parted the sea.
It wasn't down because of Moses's faith but the power of the Lord. 
The Egyptians tried to walk in the Red Sea but they died.When a person goes against the Lord, then that person will always lose.
It seems that the wicked always win but on Judgement Day, they will lose.
So do you have issues in your life? Go to God in prayer and have an honest heart. I don't know what God will do but submit to him.
The impossible can happen, only when you walk with the Lord.
So firm up your relationship with Jesus. But if you have no relationship with the Lord. Go to the Lord Jesus ask for forgiveness. Then you are on the right path.

Hebrews 11:29

 By faith the people passed through the Red Sea as on dry land; but when the Egyptians tried to do so, they were drowned.

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