Saturday, January 30, 2016

The action of faith

We look to judge people by our standards. We use a sliding scale. People like to compare their live to Hitler. If your life is worst then Hitler then you have serious problems.
God will judge our sins. No amount of good deeds can clean the soul.
A person can sin by getting drunk and have issues. Then the person can stop drinking, that person's sins are not forgiven by the good action.
A person needs to realize that everyone is a sinner. We must believe and repent from our sins.
Rahab was living among a culture that was going to be judge. There were Jewish spies in the neighborhood.
She knew the God of the Bible was real. So she protected and helped the spies. She wanted to be right with the Lord. Her action displayed that God was real. She was a hooker, she knew that she was sinner that needed to be forgiven.
A person may be in the sinful culture. That person can leave that culture by receiving a new heart.
A person can believe upon the Lord Jesus and repent from their sins. That person will a new actions and desires.
Our deeds can't save us but it display the change in our hearts. Rahab was saved because of her faith and not he deeds. But good deeds in a believer is because of faith in Jesus.

Hebrews 11:31

By faith the prostitute Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient.

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