Sunday, January 10, 2016

The beginning

Many people will say that the universe was an accident by chance. They say that God is not real because science proves that God doesn't exist.
These people have faith because they were not there when the universe began.
Nothing is now coming into existence or going out of existence; matter and energy may be converted one into the other, but there is no net increase in the combined total of what exists.
The law of is also referred as the law of conservation, which means that all matter and energy is the universe is being conserved. Based on this universal law and energy could not have created themselves.
There is no know scientific process for how matter could come into existence from nothing. This means the evolutionists rely on faith that the origin of matter somehow came into existence through some natural materialistic process.
The human DNA is more complex than the computer information. Many people will say that it just happened but someone had to programmed the computer. So someone had to programmed man's DNA.
We will have faith in something. We will have faith in no God or God. It takes more faith to believe in Evolution.
 God made the earth. Faith is based on real evidence. When I see the creation, I know that God created everything because it is so complex.
We need to go to the manual for help. God has a manual for mankind.
It is called the Bible. People have tried to disprove the Bible. But they haven't so do your research.
The Dead Sea Scrolls have the same words as today's Bible. So this proves the Bible.
We can read the Bible and understand the truth of life.
If God made me then he can be known. Sin separates us from the Lord in the beginning in Genesis.
So Jesus came to the earth as the God-man. He lived a perfect life and died on the cross. A perfect person had to take the place of a guilty party.
He arose from the dead and conquered death. We must believe and repent. We must follow the Lord. Jesus.
Jesus can bring redemption to a soul.  God knows how to guide a person to get a new job, found a job, help with money issues and in friendship.
We must believe in the Lord as the Maker that loves us. He took our pain and sins upon the cross so we can know him. He will provide salvation and the needs of our lives. We must be humble and be guided by him.

Hebrews 11:3

  By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.

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