Saturday, June 23, 2018

When is a whale a whale?

Evolutionists predicts  the presence of billions of transitional life forms that have existed in earth's history. Despite the presence of 250,000 fossil species, clear transitional forms, which would bolster evolutionary theory, are virtually absent. The situation of transitional forms is glaringly obvious in the case of whales and other marine mammals. The gap in transitional forms was supposedly filled by a partial fossil specimen named Pakicetus inachus. Even though the fossil was only a fraction of the skull and a few teeth, the media and scientists portrayed it as a whale-like transitional form. The fact that it was found in a deposit that was likely from a river area puts the interpretation of Pakicetus in doubt. (Most complete specimens have been found that show Pakicetus as a dog-like land animal.)

Fossils of Ambulocetus nattans were later discovered and this creature was considered to be a walking whale. Despite the lack of pelvic girdle (a partial pelvis was found in later specimens), Ambulocetus is described as having walked on land much as sea lions do and swimming with a combined motion much as otters and seals do. Why a whale would hooves on its rear feet and living near the seashore are questions that are not answered by the fossils.

The deposit containing Ambulocetus were found 400 feet higher than where Pakicetus was found, but both are supposedly 52 million years old. Pakicetus is called the oldest whale (cetacean) but Ambulocetus is supposed to display transitional features as land animals turned into whales. Based on teeth alone, several other wolf-like carnivores (mesonychids) are thought to be ancestors as well. The exact arrangement of these groups is disputed and some consider the mesonychids to be a branch separate from whales.

This interpretation of scant fossils evidence is very imaginative and totally necessary to support the notion that whales evolved from land animals. Such imaginative claims of evolutionary history have been claimed in the past only to be false. Further evidence will certainly change the current thinking in drastic ways.

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