Saturday, June 23, 2018

Thomas Aquinas, The Argument From Possibility And Necessity

The Argument From Possibility and Necessity

1) There are beings that begin to exist and cease to exist (i.e., possible beings).

2) But not all beings can  be possible beings, because what comes to exist does so only through what comes to exists does so only through what already exists. Nothing cannot cause something.

3) Therefore, there must be a Being whose existence is necessary (i.e., one that never came into being and will never cease to be).

4) There cannot be an infinite regress of Necessary Beings, each of which has its necessity dependent on another because:
a) An infinite regress of dependent causes is impossible because of the reasoning in the argument for efficient causality.
b) A Necessary Being cannot be a dependent being.

5) Therefore, there must be a first Being that is necessary in itself and not dependent on another for its existence. 

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