Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Look past the weeds

The believers in Jesus needs to look past the weeds of this present age. I would love it that everyone believes in Jesus and they would promote the Lord. But this event will not happen.
Every believer will face a small to great hatred from the culture. The culture of man will lift sin over the desire to follow Christ.
The country of Burma killed many Christians in the past. The country of China have murder many believers and the church have grown because of these events.
If a person lives in a country that seems peaceful towards Christianity, that person needs to reject the sinful ideas and follow the Bible. That person will face many funny looks.
The followers of Jesus needs to look past this life and focus on life after death. There are many items that seems attractive but I would die from the poison.
God has a better plan than the here and now. He will allow trials and pain in this life. The free-will of man causes pain and sorrow. The sorrow makes me not want to live by the principle of the world's system.
There is a land that is perfect and where God is at. The place have no sin.
The issue is that every man has sinned. We must look at the Lord Jesus. He is God and he came to this earth.
He died on the cross and arose from the dead. We must realize that we are sinners and we don't deserve eternal life and God's love. But God loves us and he wants to know us.
So we must believe on the Lord Jesus. We must hate our sins and follow the pure path of the Lord.
When a person trust in the Lord, they are forgiven. They will have a new desire to honor the Lord.
I look forward where a place that I will never sin, again. Where I can live in harmony with my Lord and the people around me.
This world will pass but we must focus on the coming kingdom of the Lord Jesus.

Hebrews 11:39-40

 39 These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised, 40 since God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect.

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