Saturday, June 4, 2016

Would all scientific thought and advancement end if supernatural creation was accepted?

Many people will say that if a person accepts that there is God then all scientific thought and advancement would end. Does this argument have any merit? Would it be true that people would stop researching because people would be saying, "God wanted to do it that way."This is false and I will explain my thoughts.
The ability to study the world around us us is only reasonable because there is a Lawgiver who established the laws of nature. Modern Science founders believed in the Lawgiver and so believed that nature can be studied because it follows the laws given to it by the Lawgiver.
Johannes Kepler, one of the founders of astronomy said that science was "thinking God's thoughts after Him."
Many founders of scientific disciples, such as Bacon, Newton, Kepler, Galileo, Pascal, Dalton, Linnaeus, Mendel, Maxwell and Kelvin were Bible-believing Christians.
The science think-tanks have hijacked science and have accepted that everything was made only by Materialism that teaches the denying that an event or object has a supernatural significance; the doctrine that scientific laws are adequate to account for all phenomena.
We need to look at the possibilities of Materialism that made everything without God.

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