Saturday, May 28, 2016

Two contenders for the history of life on earth.

There are two contenders for the history of life on earth: some of naturalism (evolution) or supernatural creation. Are there really any alternatives to some form of naturalistic evolution in science if science is restricted to naturalism?
I will examine Operational Science: a systematic approach to knowing facts that uses observable, testable, repeatable, and falsifiable experimentation to understand how nature commonly acts.
Operational science is the type of science that allows us to understand how DNA codes for proteins in cells.
Understanding how those laws operate is the basis for scientific thinking.
Some events defy natural laws. Christians refer to these things as miracles, but naturalistic science must find a way to explain these occurrences naturally. This approach rejects miracles in the Bible because they cannot be explained using natural laws. Such scientists occasionally try to explain the miracles in the Bible as natural phenomena but this ultimately undermines the authority of God and His Word.
If science depends on naturalistic explanation, it must accept that our thoughts are simply the products of chemical reactions that evolved from random chance. How can you ultimately rely on randomness to evolve the correct way of thinking? If there is no God, ultimately, philosophically, how can one talk about reality? How can one even rationally believe that there is such a thing as truth, let alone decide what it is?

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