Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Plans for the new decade (the year of 2020)

I wake up and there is an new decade and an fresh start. I do not follow New Year's Resolution but it is an popular idea. I believe that people mean well but they efforts seems like an poor attempt.

We will all fail but the key is to keep on going forward. Here are some words that will help you to get 20/20 vision in the year 2020.

I desire to bless people, so I am writing this blog. I hope that you can conquer life because of the strong words. There are times when I leave God out and I am doing on my strength. We need to add God to whatever we are doing. When I am doing an activity, I try to ask God to help me.

I like the verse in Hebrews 13:16 and it says, "And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased." What is done in Christ will last. If you want to become an better listeners, and listen to someone. If you are doing it for Jesus, Jesus will be pleased with your action.

We are not islands but we need to be part of an community. The loner even needs to be part of an smaller group. The believer in Jesus needs to be involved with an church so they can go.  That believer can also influence other believer in that church. Hebrews 13:17 says, "Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account.  Do this so that their work will be an joy, not a burden, for that would be no benefit to you."

I will begin to break down verse seventeen. We need to have confidence in the leadership of the church that we are going. I will warn you, not all churches are good. The good church will honor the Bible and Jesus. They will teach the Bible correctly. The false church will be an cult that be the only one in town and everyone else is wrong among true, Bible believing churches. If you are involved in that type of church, leave that church.  I will feel bad for that false teacher before God.

When you are involved in an church, be nice. Adults are just big children and that is how many people act in church. It seems that people will do the bad actions and cause divisions an dumb ideas.
Make you are Spirit lead and not self lead.

I enjoy verse eighteen. It says, "Pray for us. We are sure that we have an clear conscience and desired to honorably in every way." If you are reading the blog, please pray for me. I desire to have an pure life that honors Jesus. Prayer is the key for victory in the believers life.

I will finish up with verse nineteen. The verse says, "I particular urge you to pray so that I may be restored to you soon." You can pray for me that I will do the Lord's will in my life. I am praying that you will do what the Lord wants for you in the year of 2020. May you have 20/20 vision in Jesus, this  year.


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