Saturday, October 21, 2017

What truth is. Arguments for correspondence

All non-correspondence views the truth imply correspondence, even as they attempt to deny it. The claim: "Truth does not correspond with what is "implies that this view corresponds to reality. Then the non-correspondence view cannot express itself without using a correspondence frame of reference.
If one's factual statements need not correspond to the facts in order to be true, then any factually incorrect statement is acceptable. It becomes impossible to lie. Any statement is compatible with any given state of affairs.
In order to know something is true or false, there must be a real difference between things and statements about the things. But correspondence is the comparison of words to their reference. Hence, a correspondence view is necessary to make sense of factual statements.
Communication depends on informative statements. But correspondence to facts is what makes statements informative. All communication ultimately depends on something being literally or factually true. We cannot even use a metaphor unless we understand that there is a literal meaning over against which the figurative sense is not literal. So, it would follow that all communication depends in the final analysis on a correspondence to truth.
The intentionalist theory claims that something is true only if what is accomplished corresponds fulfills what is intended by the statement. Without correspondence of intentions and accomplished facts there is no truth.     

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