Thursday, September 14, 2017

Truth is not "what feels good"

The popular subjective view is truth gives a satisfying feeling, and error feels bad. Truth is found in our subjective feelings. Many mystics and new age enthusiasts hold versions of this faulty view, though it also has a strong influence among some experimentally oriented Christian groups. 
It is evident that bad news can be true. But if what feels good is always true, then we would not have to believe anything unpleasant. Bad report cards do not make a student feel good, but the student refuses to believe them at his or her academic peril. They are true. Feelings are also relative to individual personalities. What feels good to one may feel bad to another. If so, then truth would be highly relative. But, as will be seen in some detail below, truth cannot be relative.
Even if truth makes us feel good-at least in the long-this does not mean what feels good is true. The nature of truth does not depend on the result of truth. 

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