Thursday, May 11, 2017

The Nature of Truth, part one

Pilate asked: What is truth? Philosophers from Socrates to this century answered: Is it absolute? Is it knowable (see Agnosticism)? And does it correspond to a referent or, in the cause of metaphysical truth, does it correspond to reality?
The nature of truth is crucial to the Christian faith. Not only does Christianity claim there is absolute truth (truth for everyone, everywhere, at all times), but it insists that truth about the world (reality) is that which corresponds to the way things really are. For example, the statement, "God exists" means that there really is a God outside the universe, an extracosmic Being (check up on the evidence of God). Likewise, the claim that "God raised Christ from the dead" means that the dead corpse of Jesus of Nazareth supernaturally vacated its tomb alive a few days after its burial (research the evidence of Resurrection). Christian truth claims correspond to the state of affairs about which they claim to inform us.

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