Monday, August 1, 2016

The stopper of science

Evolutionists often claim that the acceptance of creation is a "science stopper" and that the actions of God cut off the possibility for studying scientific concepts. This idea, however, is false. A belief in special creation only removes the option of continuous evolution, not the study of the many other relationships among living things. The study of cichlid fish by Doctor John showed the amazing variety of characteristic within the cichlid species, including coloration and ability to survive in saltwater. What was also apparent was that the cichlid were a distinct kind of fish that showed no evolutionary relationships in the breeding experiments. The fossil record supports the notion of fixed kinds of fish, with very few supposed transitional forms between kinds of fish. Creationists are mot bound to any classification system that rises above the level of kind. Part of the classification schemes may be correct as they appear today, but more research needs to be done to classify the relationships.        

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