Friday, December 9, 2016

The positive principle of modality

Absolutely nothing cause something (5). Neither can one contingent kind (mode) of being cause another contingent being (6). So, if anything comes to be, it must be caused a Necessary Being.
Therefore, this Necessary Being must be a personal, rational, and moral kind of being, since I am similar to him by the Principle of Analogy (12).

Thursday, December 8, 2016

The truth about natural selection

Natural Selection: the process by how individuals possessing a set of traits that confer a survival advantage in a given environment tend to leave more offspring on average that survive to reproduce in the next generation.

Natural selection is an observable process that falls into the category of operational science. We have observed mosquitoes, birds, and many microorganisms undergoing change in relatively short periods of time. New varieties have been observed to arise. Biblical creationists agree with evolutionists on most of the ideas associated with natural selection, except the idea that natural selection leads to molecules-to-man evolution.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The perfect love

The apostle having shown that the tabernacle, and ordinances of the covenant of Sinai, were only emblems and types of the gospel, concludes that the sacrifices the high priests offered continually, could not make the worshipers perfect, with respect to pardon, and the purifying of their consciences. But when God manifested in the flesh, became the sacrifice, and his death upon the accursed tree the ransom, then the Sufferer being of infinite worth, his free-will sufferings were of infinite value. The atoning sacrifice must be one capable of consenting, and must of his own will place himself in the sinner's stead: Christ did so. The fountain of all that Christ has done for his people, is the sovereign will and grace of God. The righteousness brought in, and the sacrifice once offered by Christ, are of eternal power, and his salvation shall never be done away. They are of power to make all the comers thereunto perfect; they derive from the atoning blood, strength and motives for obedience, and inward comfort.

Hebrews 10:8-10
First he said, “Sacrifices and offerings, burnt offerings and sin offerings you did not desire, nor were you pleased with them”—though they were offered in accordance with the law. Then he said, “Here I am, I have come to do your will.” He sets aside the first to establish the second. 10 And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

The principle of contingency (or dependency)

If something cannot be caused by nothing (5), neither can anything be caused by what could be nothing, namely, a contingent being. For what could be nothing does not account for its own existence. And what cannot for even its own existence cannot account for the existence of another.
Since it is contingent or dependent for its own being, it cannot be that on which something else depends for its being. Hence, one contingent being cannot cause another contingent being.
This shows the existence of God. It is shows God is personal, rational and moral kind of being (since he engage in these kinds of activities.)

Mutations and science

Textbooks present evolution in two different ways-small, observable changes (natural selection, speciation, adaptation) and large, unobservable  changes (molecules-to-man evolution). They show evidence for the former and then conclude that this proves that the latter took place as well.
As our understanding of genetics has improved, it has become clear that mutations + time + chance do not equal evolution. All observed mutations demonstrate a loss of genetic information from the genetic code or they are neutral. Evolution claims that the process has no direction or goal. If you look at the complexity of the "first" organism, it must be accepted that a massive amount of information has been produced to explain the variety of life we see today. Mutations cannot generate new genetic information; so they cannot be used to explain how evolution has produced from a cell with less information than is present in modern cells.
Despite the claims of evolution, the appearance of new species, antibiotic resistance in bacteria, pesticide resistance and sickle-cell anemia are not evidence in favor of evolution. They do, however, demonstrate the principle of natural selection acting or existing traits-a concept that creationists and evolution agree on. The creationist model of how life spread across the globe after the Flood of Genesis uses many of the same principles of natural selection and adaptive radiation that are used in the evolution model. One of the main difference is that the biblical creation model recognizes that one kind can't change into another and that change are a result of variation within kinds- not descent from a single common ancestor. As a result of the Curse, genetic mutations, showing a loss of information, have been accumulating, but these do not cause new kinds to emerge. Accepting the idea of a single common ancestor denies the authority of the Bible.